Mittwoch, Januar 18, 2006


Breaking News

This is what I'll have to do, before I'll move to Cologne and start my new JOB on March 6th (no particular order):
Seriously, I am really excited about all this and look forward to living in Cologne. It is just happening really fast and I would have wished for a little more time.

I went to Koln one. That Dom is amazing. It took my breath away. Sounds like a fun move for you.

But all the stuff to do BEFORE you move is stressful. :-)
Glückwunsch! Zumindest zu Köln, für das was bis dahin noch kommt später sicher auch (final exams). Glücklicherweise hast Du ja eine ausgewiesene Köln-Kennerin in der Verwandtschaft.
Frohes Schaffen und viel Erfolg!
Hi Katja,

It sounds like you really do have your hands full for the next couple of months! How far away is your new job and what will you be doing?

Donna :)
Hoi Katja,
Glückwunsch und Kölle alaaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was willst du in Berlin, wenn in Köln der Karneval tobt?
Für eine Köln-Einführung stehe ich dir gerne zur Verfügung!!! (Nicht jede Kirsche ist da eine solche! Was machst du dort eigentlich?) Soll ich mal Connections ankurbeln zwecks Wohnung / Zimmer?
Viel Glück jetzt erst mal für die Prüfungen!
Liebe Grüsse Barbara
PS: Was ist eigentliche ein Blogger?
A big move is always stressful, and I'll likely be dealing with those same issues shortly. Good Luck! Have a nice start in Cologne!
Delurking to say that I spent a month in Cologne back in college and just loved it! We took the train up for the first day of Fasching last year (from Mannheim--now we live in Kentucky).
I went to Cologne many years ago and thought it was a beautiful place. I would love to re-visit Germany again. I have been twice but know it has changed tremendously.
Enjoy your new job there. Good luck packing and getting everything done to your satisfaction. It should be easy for you since you have done some moving in the past.
Hope your new job is great. had fun trying to remember my high school german enough to read your German entries, but unfortunately seem to be missing a large number of nouns and verbs from my vocabulary! Smile. Anyway,best of luck

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